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Data chain of ReMoni equipment


There are 4 different stages in the data chain:

  • Sensors & Actuators
  • Wireless backbone (Gateway)
  • Cloud
  • User Interface.

Sensors & Actuators
The sensors are collecting measurements and data and providing it to the Gateway.
The Gateway then stores the provided data locally, where it afterwards provides the data to our cloud when connected to the internet.

As shown with arrows on the picture above, the data can also go the opposite way.
When data is going in the opposite direction, it can be caused by changing the interval on your sensor in the Management GUI (Graphical User Interface), or if we push a firmware update out to our customers' devices.

Read more about our sensors.

Wireless Backbone - Gateway
The Gateway retrieves data from the sensors and uploads it to the cloud.
Whenever the cloud tells the Gateway that all data is uploaded and OK, the Gateway deletes the data from its storage, so there is more space for new data.
If the Gateway is offline, the Gateway will store the retrieved data locally. So whenever the Gateway comes online, the Gateway will start uploading the stored data to the cloud. The stored data on the Gateway is uploaded to the cloud by the oldest data first, using the first in first out principle.

Read more about our Gateway.

Our Cloud-AI processes the data that is received from the Gateway.
The Cloud-AI translates the data with high-level mathematics, since the data that the sensors collect and provides, is incomprehensible untranslated packages of data.

Our API allows easy data-integration to the data collected and alarms in the cloud.
You can read more about our API and how it works here.

User Interface
ReCalc is retrieving data from the cloud.
We can keep an eye on our sensors and their data on the ReCalc platform.

Read more about ReCalc and ReCalc MoniTor.