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PowerMoniMain - as a standalone sensor

PowerMoniMain provides ampere, watt, volt and power angle when installed.

One PowerMoniMain sensor has 15 channels. Each channel can monitor one phase.

This means the 15 channels can be allocated to fit the user needs, eg. one PowerMoniMain can measure five three-phased systems or 15 single-phase systems or a mix of both.

In short, this means you have up to 15 energy meters in this black box measuring only 178x178x75 mm. in dimension. The channels can measure consumption on any equipment or apparatus monitored by the PowerMoniMain sensor.

The CT-clamps measuring the current (ampere) is connected to the PowerMoniMain using the terminals on the left. Wires monitoring the voltage is connected to the terminals on the right.

The PowerMoniMain is wirelessly connected with the ReMoni Gateway, sending data onto the Cloud-based ReCalc.

For further technical information on the PowerMoniMain and CT-clamps, see the datasheet.

An installation guide of the PowerMoniMain is available here.

A ReCalc/PowerMoniMain setup guide is available here.
