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District Heating


The District Heating dashboard is designed to provide an overview of district heating consumption as well as indoor temperatures.

Unit types: For the report to work properly, specific Units must be created.
For the district heating part, use "Heating pipes", "Water based radiator" or "Generic Unit".
"Generic Unit" is displayed on the dashboard if it has a channel with temperatures, therefore we recommend using "Heating pipes" and "Water based radiator".
For the Room Temperature section, "Room Temperature" is used.
To get the outdoor temperature, the unit type "Outdoor Temperature" must be used.

Read more about unit types here: Unit Types

Tags: To make large amounts of data more manageable, we recommend providing the various Units with tags. For example could all units  receive data from the same building be tagged "Building A".

Note: Data is displayed in CET (Central European Time (UTC+1)) and automatically switches between summer and winter time.

1. Dropdown with the tags created on the different units. If a tag is selected, the units with associated data that fall under this tag are displayed.
Tip: To select more, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking.

2. Dropdown containing the units of the type Heating Pipes, Water Based Radiator and Outdoor Temperature created in ReCalc. To select more, hold down the Ctrl key when clicking.

3. Period selector. Here you select the period you want to see data from.

4. Supply and Return are average values for all units that have data in the selected time period.
Delta shows the difference between Supply and Return average temperature.
The three numbers are color-coded red, black or green depending on whether they are below, between or above the target values.
Tariff hours is the total number of hours where the return temperature exceeds the tariff limit of 40 oC.
A tariff hour is an hour where hot water is sent back. The combined heat and power plants impose a penalty amount on these hours. The tariff limit of 40 oC is an average taken from the tariff limits of various combined heat and power plants.

5. Return temperature per unit displayed in the selected time period.

6. Units with the "Main" or "Submain" tag are displayed in this table.
Name: Unit names.
Supply: The average value of the hot channel.
Return: The average value of the cold channel. The field becomes colour coded green or red depending on whether the temperature is too low or high. Low is good.
Delta: The difference between the average value of the hot and the cold channel. A high number is good.

7. The graph shows units of type "Room temperature".

8. The timestamp shows when data has been updated.

9. Shows which time zone data is displayed in.