This guide covers how to export data from ReCalc.
File format: CSV. A maximum of 40,000 rows can be downloaded at a time.
- Log in to ReCalc.
- In the menu on the left, under Data analysis, click Export data.
- First, choose what to export. Read more about the different data types at the bottom of the page.
- Then choose which period you want data from.
- Select which Units to export.
- Click the Export button at the bottom.
- After a while, a CSV file named exportData.csv will be downloaded.
- Open the file in a program that supports CSV files (Excel, Google Sheets, etc.)
Data Types:
Raw: This is the raw data from the sensor.
5 Minutes: Here all Raw data are added together within 5 minutes.
Hour: Raw data within an hour is added together.
Day: Raw data within a day is added together.
Solved Alarms: This is a list of the alarms that have been resolved.
Gateways: A list of the Gateways registered in the account.
Sensors: List of the sensors registered in the account.