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Export data from ReCalc

This guide covers how to export data from ReCalc.
File format: CSV. A maximum of 40,000 rows can be downloaded at a time.

  1. Log in to ReCalc.

  2. In the menu on the left, under Data analysis, click Export data.

  3. First, choose what to export. Read more about the different data types at the bottom of the page.

  4. Then choose which period you want data from.

  5. Select which Units to export.

  6. Click the Export button at the bottom.

  7. After a while, a CSV file named exportData.csv will be downloaded.

  8. Open the file in a program that supports CSV files (Excel, Google Sheets, etc.)


Data Types:
Raw: This is the raw data from the sensor.
5 Minutes: Here all Raw data are added together within 5 minutes.
Hour: Raw data within an hour is added together.
Day: Raw data within a day is added together.
Solved Alarms: This is a list of the alarms that have been resolved.
Gateways: A list of the Gateways registered in the account.
Sensors: List of the sensors registered in the account.