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Get data into Excel

NOTE: This guide is made in Excel version 2101 for Windows and may not work on older versions. How to find the version number: Link.

This guide covers how to get data into Excel from the ReMoni API, using a URL string created on the ReMoni API page. See the guide to how it will be made: Link.


  1. Open Excel

  2. Select the Data tab and then click From Web.

  3. Insert the URL string from the ReMoni API and click OK.

  4. Select "basic" and use your email and password from ReCalc.

  5. Now the Power Query Editor opens. On the Transform tab, click "To Table".

  6. Click OK for this dialog box.

  7. Then click on the small icon of two arrows in the right corner of the column. Click OK for the next window that appears.

  8. Select the Transform tab and click on Detect data type.

  9. If it does not convert the Timestamp column to Date/Time itself, this is necessary to do yourself.
  10. First click on the column with Timestamp and then select the Transform tab and click on Reverse Rows.

  11. Select the Home tab and click Close & Load.

  12. In order to make a graph of Timestamp and Value, you have to convert the top timestamp to a Time. Click on the top Timestamp then select the Home tab and then click on the dropdown where it says Custom. Select Time.

  13. Select the entire Timestamp and Value column at the same time. On the Insert tab, Select curves.
    Excel_-_Make_Graph.jpg      Excel_-_Graph.jpg

  14. To update data, click on the small update icon on the right side.